klomtools.com klom high quality locksmiths picking tools


Klom pomp wedge auto entry tools A065

Klom pomp wedge auto entry tools.

Profesional quality tool.

Klom pomp wedge

Klom pomp wedge

Klom auto tools

Klom auto tools

For more info: office@klomtools.com


Klom Handy Remover

Klom Handy Remover

klom handy remover

klom handy remover

For more info: office@klomtools.com


Klom Wedge

klom tool wedge

klom tool wedge

A decent wedge is a must for any locksmith or lock enthusiast who at some point will need to have a little more access to the lock mechanism. The typical example would be using a Slim Jim between the car door and window. The insertion of the wedge allows for a damage free advantage by simply offering a bigger gap to work through. Other applications include assisting lock shimming such as Latch Shims and Shove-It tools.

For more info: office@klomtools.com


Klom 5 piece Car OverLifter Set

klom car over lifter set

klom car over lifter set

A well engineered tool with 5 rake/overlifters for Mercedes, Saab2, BMW2, BMW4 and VW laser key locks. The ingenious tension tool contains a built in plug-spinner ready to use once the lock has been picked. The set comes with 5 tension tools, the body to use these and the 5 picks.

For more info: office@klomtools.com


Klom Car Lever Wedge


klom car lever wedge

klom car lever wedge

klom car lever wedge

klom car lever wedge

For more info: office@klomtools.com